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47 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

War's End: Profiles from Bosnia 1995-1996

Sacco, Joe
War's End: Profiles from Bosnia 1995-1996
War cartoonist Joe Sacco visits the Bosnian conflict to uncover the stories that are often ignored or uncovered by traditional media.How does an artist reconcile being forced to go to the front line of a brutal conflict that will change his life and homeland forever? What happens when a reporter finally comes face-to-face with an evil war criminal? Before his groundbreaking graphic novels Safe Area Gorazde and The Fixer, Palestinian author Joe...

CHF 21.90

Wir gehören dem Land

Sacco, Joe / Schuler, Christoph
Wir gehören dem Land
Auf einer Reise in den hohen Norden Kanadas trifft Joe Sacco die einheimischen Dene. Heute droht das Volk zwischen dem Zwang zu wirtschaftlichem Fortschritt und dem Wunsch, zu einem traditionellen, naturnahen Leben zuru¿ckzukehren, aufgerieben zu werden. Joe Sacco berichtet u¿ber die Ausbeutung der Bodenschätze, die Träume der ju¿ngeren Generation und ein Schulsystem, das den Kindern erst ihre Eltern und dann ihre Jugend geraubt hat, um sie se...

CHF 30.80

Paying the Land

Sacco, Joe
Paying the Land
In his first full-length work of journalism in a decade, the 'heir to R. Crumb and Art Spiegelman' (Economist) brings his comics mastery to a story of indigenous North America, resource extraction, and our debt to the natural world The Dene have lived in the vast Mackenzie River Valley since time immemorial, by their account. To the Dene, the land owns them, not the other way around-it is central to their livelihood and their very way of being...

CHF 35.50

Paying the Land

Sacco, Joe
Paying the Land
NAMED A BEST BOOK OF 2020 BY THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE GUARDIAN, THE BROOKLYN RAIL, THE GLOBE AND MAIL, POP MATTERS, COMICS BEAT, AND PUBLISHERS WEEKLYFrom the "heir to R. Crumb and Art Spiegelman" (Economist), a masterful work of comics journalism about indigenous North America, resource extraction, and our debt to the natural worldThe Dene have lived in the vast Mackenzie River Valley since time immemorial, by their account. To the Dene, the l...

CHF 51.50

Footnotes in Gaza

Sacco, Joe
Footnotes in Gaza
Joe Sacco, one of the world's greatest cartoonists, is widely hailed as the creator of war reportage comics. He is the author of, among other books, Palestine, which received the American Book Award, and Safe Area: Gora¿de, which won the Eisner Award and was named a New York Times notable book and Time magazine's best comic book of 2000. Hisbooks have been translated into fourteen languages and his comics reporting has appeared in Details, The...

CHF 36.90


Sacco, Joe / Brolli, D.
Tra la fine del 1991 e l'inizio del 1992 Joe Sacco ha trascorso due mesi in Israele e nei Territori Occupati, viaggiando e prendendo appunti. Ha vissuto nei campi palestinesi, condividendone la vita (o meglio, la loro sopravvivenza) in mezzo al fango, in baracche di lamiera arrugginita, tra coprifuoco e retate dell'esercito israeliano. Risultato del suo meticoloso lavoro d'inchiesta è questo volume che, combinando la tecnica del reportage di p...

CHF 43.50


Sacco, Joe
Joe Sacco, one of the world¿s foremost cartoonists, is widely hailed as the creator of war-reportage comics. He is the author of Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, The Fixer, Notes from a Defeatist and Footnotes in Gaza, all published by Jonathan Cape.

CHF 35.50


Sacco, Joe / Brolli, D.
Tra la fine del 1991 e l'inizio del 1992 Joe Sacco ha trascorso due mesi in Israele e nei Territori Occupati, viaggiando e prendendo appunti. Ha vissuto nei campi palestinesi, condividendone la vita (o meglio, la loro sopravvivenza) in mezzo al fango, in baracche di lamiera arrugginita, tra coprifuoco e retate dell'esercito israeliano. Risultato del suo meticoloso lavoro d'inchiesta è questo volume che, combinando la tecnica del reportage di p...

CHF 32.50

La grande guerra. 1 luglio 1916: il primo giorno della ba...

Sacco, Joe
La grande guerra. 1 luglio 1916: il primo giorno della battaglia della Somme. Un'opera panoramica
Iniziata il 1° luglio 1916, la Battaglia della Somme è diventata il simbolo della follia della Prima guerra mondiale. Solo durante quel primo giorno vennero uccisi circa 21.000 soldati britannici e altri 57.000 vennero feriti. Quando l'offensiva si arrestò, i caduti erano più di un milione. In "La Grande Guerra", il giornalista-fumettista Joe Sacco rappresenta gli eventi di quel giorno con un'opera panoramica muta, straordinariamente dettaglia...

CHF 47.50

The Great War

Sacco, Joe
The Great War
AN ILLUSTRATED PANORAMA WITH AN ESSAY BY ADAM HOCHSCHILDThe first day of the Battle of the Somme has come to epitomise the Great War.

CHF 34.90


Sacco, Joe / Schuler, Christoph
1995 endete eine dunkle Episode der europäischer Geschichte, der Bosnienkrieg. Anhand dreier Reportage-Comics zeichnet Joe Sacco ein vielschichtiges Bild von Sarajevo am Ende des Bosnienkrieges: Neven, Der Fixer, schlug sich vor dem Krieg als Waffenhändler und Bankräuber durch und diente als Waffenexperte und Scharfschütze in der jugoslawischen Armee, ehe er in Sarajevo als Guide für Journalisten arbeitet. Dank Nevens Hilfe gelingt es Sacco, O...

CHF 28.00


Sacco, Joe / Schuler, Christoph
Ein Schweinekopf in einer Moschee, Gerüchte über eine Kindsentführung, Provokationen an einer Hochzeit. Normalerweise reicht das nicht, um eine über Generationen entstandene multiethnische Gemeinschaft zu erschüttern. Und doch ist es vor nicht allzu langer Zeit geschehen, praktisch vor unserer Haustüre, in Bosnien. Aus guten Nachbarn wurden ein Serbe, ein Muslim, ein Kroate. In diesem Buch dokumentiert Joe Sacco auf eindringliche Art und Weise...

CHF 30.80

Onder Palestijnen

Sacco, Joe
Onder Palestijnen
De Maltees-Amerikaanse journalist Joe Sacco is internationaal gelauwerd om zijn reportages in oorlogsgebied, onder meer met de prestigieuze American Book Award. Onder Palestijnen vormt het indringende relaas van zijn verblijf op de Westbank en Gaza begin jaren negentig. In een geslaagde poging om door te dringen tot de essentie van de eerste intifada ontmoette Sacco honderden Palestijnen en Israëliërs: stenengooiers, soldaten, slachtoffers va...

CHF 34.50


Sacco, Joe
Mit diesem Buch hat Joe Sacco das Genre des Comic-Journalismus begründet. Getrieben von der Neugier, auch die Seite des Nahostkonflikts kennen zu lernen, die in den amerikanischen Medien stets übergangen wird, verbrachte Sacco 1991 zwei Monate in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten. Aus der Reise und den Begegnungen mit den unterschiedlichsten Menschen entstanden Bilder, die durch ihre Unmittelbarkeit und Eindringlichkeit bestechen. Paläs...

CHF 29.80